SPSS crashes reliably every time you open a second data file. The submenu "File->New" only contains "Script", but no longer "Data", "Syntax", and "Output". The (local single user) license stops working after users connect to a new Wi-Fi network (e.g., at a conference, at a hotel, etc.). Just to give you an idea of the type of problems, here are a few examples of issues we encountered over the course of the past couple years: Often, they are just really bizarre, random problems that typically only affect some, but not other users. We have about 25 SPSS users in our department (about half of them on macOS) and the number of SPSS-related support requests dwarfs every other type of support request by far. The much more serious problem is, though, that you regularly experience issues that simply would not occur with other applications that are not alpha-level pre-releases, and that the app constantly feels like it is barely held together by virtual duck tape. One symptom of that is that it is very bloated, slow, and takes an order of magnitude longer to start than any other application we have in use.

You may need to restart your device after installing.The main problem with SPSS is that it is an extremely poorly written piece of software from a technical perspective.

On the Product Authorization screen select Authorized user license and click Next.The SPSS Statistics License Authorization Wizard will start automatically, click Next to proceed.On the installation Summary screen, you will see a message saying “ The installation was successful” click Close.Enter your account Username and Password and click Install Software – Note: Your computer account must have Administrator rights to proceed with the installation.On the Destination Select screen click Install to accept the default location selected by the installer ( Recommended) or click Change Install Location (if required).Click Agree to I accept terms in the license agreement On the Software License Agreement screen click Continue to proceed.Click Continue when the Installer Wizard launches.Double-click SPSS_Statistics_Client_Mac.pkg.This has been tested up until MacOS Big Sur v. Both of which are available on the IT Services website at sussex.ac.uk/its/spss ( login required) To perform the installation your mac device: On Windows devices, SPSS can be run via the Software Hub service.